

Effacer les filtres Filtrage par: Type Generic Work Supprimer la restriction Type: Generic Work

Résultats de recherche

1. here's a work! now with an edited title

2. davis_2014__1_.pdf

3. wilson_2014.pdf

4. wilson_2014.pdf

5. Undergrad2.pdf

6. download.png

7. davis_2014__1_.pdf

8. wilson_2014.pdf

9. Hub-floorplan-summer-2014.png

10. Undergrad2.pdf

11. audio and video

12. test rep media

13. Hub-floorplan-summer-2014.png

14. download.png

15. davis_2014__1_.pdf

16. test depositing works

17. test Title

18. test thumbnails

19. testing admin set test 1

20. test admin set test 3

21. Test logo1

22. Test banner

23. tes tadmin set 16

24. test admin set 19

25. test

26. testing approvals

27. Test logo3

28. a new work deposited to a correction

29. another new work to deposit to a collection

30. VR_Testwork_1

31. blep.jpg

32. Daffodil.png

33. GotNoBoss.tif

34. VR_Testwork_5

35. Test4

36. 2047420.jpg

37. test one-step workflow

38. To Bee, or not to Bee

39. I'm A Work with an Over 500 MB Tiff File

40. VR_1.4 Test Work, Admin Set 4 (GAM)

41. I'm a Work with over 100 files (GAM)

42. I'm a Work with an Image and PDF (GAM)

43. test

44. 638689.jpg

45. 2092041.jpg

46. test

47. test author order

48. title 3, title 1, and title 2

49. title

50. adding to a collection from the work edit page